Last night's Drive Thru in Kingston revealed that El Cerdo Mostaza will take on the Punch Line consecutively in a gauntlet referred to as a Shootout by Roy Vezina. Mostaza must defeat Harv Norris and Rick Hull before he has a chance to get his hands on Roy Vezina, but if he loses at any point in the three stage match then he's gone from Pollo Road! When asked to comment, matchmaker Duke Womack stated that Mostaza had no qualms with the terms and neither does he - he trusts Cerdo can get the job done. The Punch Line were interviewed after the Drive Thru main event and swore revenge!
In other news, Womack announced that there will be a 5 on 5 Captain's Fall elimination bout on the card. One side will be captained by cruiserweight champion MEZA while the other will be led by Kalidah. Each side will take turns drafting a team from the available pool, Womack added that the "big wigs" had foregone a traditional coin toss and left it up to a computer program which stated that Kalidah has "earned" the first pick. So expect to see each of the captains making their draft choices in the next few days.
- AJ Knight
- Azalo
- Crazy Boy
- Devlin Masters
- Jeremy Squire
- Jin Hirai
- Lynx
- Nizbel
- Orville Newton - Sangre de Pollo - Ultimo Pollo IV